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1. Points will be awarded for finishing positions as follows: 1st place 25 points, 2nd place 24 points, 3rd 23, etc. through 20th position. All finishers from 20th place on are awarded 5 points. No points are awarded associated with qualifying.
2. The points total for the 10 highest race points will decide the championship.
3. Points for the mini enduro at PIR will be based on finishing positions of Spec Miatas only, in full SMT trim.
4. Championship trophies will be awarded to the winners at an informal banquet event after the last tour event.
5. The spec tires (dry) for the Tour are the Toyo RRs. Treads may not be "shaved" or "trued". The spec rain tires are Hoosier SMW, Toyo RA-1, or Toyo R888s. If any other tires are used during races, no Tour points will be awarded.
6. Vehicles must conform to all 2025 SCCA or Conference (ICSCC) specifications including any and all competition adjustments made by SCCA or Conference this year (2025).
7. Only pump fuel that can be purchased at any gas station (regular, mid-grade, and premium unleaded). E85 fuel is not allowed. No race fuel, no mixing of race fuel, no fuel additives.
8: Mini Enduro: The 1 hour mini enduro at the first event is a Tour race. These races are a blast and a financial bargain. When you also sign up for SM in group 2, the mini enduro only costs an additional $100 to enter. There is no extra charge for a second driver. [Reminder note: In conference races, sign up for SM. SM Cars can run Toyos, so there is no SMT.]
You can drive the entire one hour by yourself or share a car with a friend. There is a mandatory 1 minute pit stop in the middle 20 minutes of the race for a driver change. If driving alone, while in the pits for a minute, to be sporting you can jump out of your car and jump back in.
SM drivers should sign up for the ME3 Mini Enduro class.
Duplicate numbers can occur as cars enter. The car that signs up first with number "x" will get that number and other cars with that number will need to be changed. To reduce the risk of changing numbers for that, sign up early and often.
Tour points will be the same as any other Tour race. Summary
1st 25 points, 2nd 24 points...
Two drivers in a car with each get the same points per finishing position.
If a driver races in two cars, he/she gets the points associated with the higher placing car only.
Tour points are awarded to SM cars only, not other ME3 cars. When calculating points, we will remove non-SM cars to establish a finishing order.